In today's fast changing world, the English language is an important communication tool in politics, economics, science, technology and the media. Knowledge of this has caused an increasing number of people in the world at large and in Cameroon in particular to make greater efforts to use English fluently in real life situations.
Furthermore, it is no secret that English as the lingua Franca is an essential tool to succeed everywhere one goes and that the mastery of it is synonymous to holding the undeniable key to success.
What's more, as a school subject to francophone, its importance is no longer to be proven. The papers of Anglais students are subjected to BEPC, Probatoire and baccalauréat are made up of four major parts of equal importance. Part 1 Grammar, Part 2 vocabulary, Part 3 Reading comprehension at part 4 Composition.
Taking up Anglais tests at the official exams, a whopping 100 marks are at stake for the Terminale A and Première A while up to 60 marks are at stake for the Terminale CD, Première CD and 3è. Considering the challenges students face and carefully studying each one of them, this manual comes in handy to enable Learners obtain easy grades at the various exams.