

(Primaire Tutor)

Originally from the canton of Mouamenam, department of moungo, borough of manjo in the coastal region, Ekwelle Leonard, was born on June 08, 1978 in Wum in the department of menchum region of northwestern Cameroon.

After his higher studies leading to a degree in philosophy in 2000, he embraced the teaching profession by joining the collective of the Tcheuffa-fils college in 2002. Two years later, he decided to move from secondary to primary, just for love. toddlers, and became director of a western bilingual nursery and primary school located in the Washington district of Bonaberi. In 2012, he decides to become more professional and enters the enieg of Nkongsamba from where he returns with a CAPIEMP then a license in communication in 2013. Cumulatively with his job as a journalist, he in turn directs the Bethesda schools of minkwelle , Tiji de sodiko, Archangels de Bonendale and optimum by being the head of the educational pool to this day.

Let us not forget to note that following his long experience put to the benefit of education, Mr Ekwelle is national president of an NGO-association called AFEDUC (acting in favor of education) following the confidence of the Minister of l basic education which grants him his authorization to enter and act in all public and private schools in Cameroon.
