
Madeleine KOMNANG

(Francais Tutor)

Teacher of general education high schools from the 49th promotion of the higher normal school of the University of Yaoundé 1, she holds a DEA in French language stylistic option. With 13 years of experience in teaching French, our French language expert is an educational facilitator at the Lycée Bilingue de Bobongo Petit-Paris (Douala). These years of practice and experience have enabled her to be the winner of the FU'A TOULA KADJI DEFOSSO Foundation's academic excellence bonus through its QUALITY BACK TO SCHOOL campaign in October 2019.

Sociable and knowing how to put herself at the service of the community, Mrs. KOMNANG is a member of the circle of educational animators of Wouri. She was one of those secondary teachers called upon, during the confinement period, by the media to provide supervision.

Pedagogical of confined learners.
